Bullfrog Jamboree Ensemble
-- Primer Level; #6 student parts + teacher + conductor parts
Purchase Bullfrog Jamboree Ensemble
Bullfrog Jamboree! Ensemble©
- 6 Piano Parts; Primer Level Students (Level 1)
- Conductor’s Score
- Teachers’s Accompaniment
- Orchestrated accompaniments for 3 ensembles on SMF Floppy Disk and CD
- Orchestrated accompaniments for NINE ensembles on only one USB Flash Drive
This "hoppy" ensemble will bring smiles to your beginner pianists' faces.
Purchase Bullfrog Jamboree Ensemble
- Accompaniments: No Accompaniments; Ensemble + SMF Disk; Ensemble + CD
Other products in the category Ensembles (Beginner) / Primer Ensembles:
Autumn Sounds Ensemble -- Autumn Sounds©
6 Piano Parts; Primer Level Students (Level 1)
Conductor’s Score
Teacher’s Accompaniment
Orchestrated accompaniments for 3 ensembles on SMF Floppy Disk and CD
Orchestrated accompaniments . . .
Western Skies Ensemble -- Western Skies Ensemble©
6 Piano Parts; Primer Level Students (Level 1)
Conductor’s Score
Teacher’s Accompaniment
Orchestrated accompaniments for 3 ensembles on SMF Floppy Disk and CD
Orchestrated . . .
Papa Leopold's Minuet Ensemble -- Papa Leopold's Minuet Ensemble©
4 Piano Parts for Primer Students (Level 1)
Teacher's accompaniment
Conductor's Score
Orchestrated accompaniments for 3 ensembles on SMF Floppy Disk and CD
Orchestrated . . .
Mission Bells Ensemble. -- Mission Bells Ensemble©
4 Piano Parts for Primer Students (Early Level 1)
Teacher's Accompaniment Part
Conductor's Score
Uses only staff notes C - G
The SMF Floppy Disk and CD have accompaniments . . .
Dark Forest Ensemble -- Dark Forest Ensemble©
Primer Level Students (Level 1)
4 student parts
Teacher's accompaniment
Conductor's score
Walk slowly through the mysterious dark forest and hear all of the woodland . . .
The Fruit Vendor Ensemble for Level 1 (Primer students) -- The Fruit Vendor Ensemble©
4 Piano Parts; Primer Level Sthdents (Level 1)
Teacher's accompaniment
Conductor's Score
This is a simplified ensemble of a solo in Level 4-B for early intermediate . . .
Softly, Softly! Ensemble -- Softly, Softly! Ensemble©
Softly, Softly! Ensemble. Level 1 (Primer Students); #4 piano parts + conductor's score.
Mayron Cole arranged this ensemble from the very popular solo in her Christmas . . .
NINE Beginner Ensembles USB Flash Drive 1 --
Mission Bells
Mountain Stream
Papa Leopold's Minuet
Autumn Sounds
Western Skies
Bullfrog Jamboree
Jingle, Jingle, Jingle!
Snow! Snow! Look At The Snow!
We Wish You a Merry . . .
Autumn Sounds/ Western Skies/ Bullfrog Jamboree Ensembles CD -- Orchestrated 3 Ensemble CD for Autum Sounds/ Western Skies/ Bullfrog Jamboree
The three primer level (beginner) ensembles above are available on one general midi disk and CD for your students to . . .
Papa Leopold's Minuet/ Mission Bells/ Mountain Stream Ensembles CD -- Papa Leopold/ Mission Bells/ & Mountain Stream Ensembles Orchestrated 3 Ensemble CD©
Three more beginner & advamce beginner level ensembles on one CD!
The . . .
Autumn Sounds, Bullfrog Jamboree, & Western Skies Ensembles SMF Disk -- Orchestrated 3 Ensemble SMF Disk Autum Sounds/ Western Skies/ Bullfrog Jamboree
The three primer level (beginner) ensembles above are available on one general midi disk for your students to . . .
Papa Leopold's Minuet/ Mission Bells/ Mountain Stream Ensembles SMF Disk -- Pappa Leopold/ Mission Bells/ & Mountain Stream Orchestrated 3 Ensemble SMF Accompaniment Disk©
Three more beginner & advamce beginner level ensembles on one standard midi file (SMF) . . .
Folder -- Beautiful Color Folder with inside pockets; use with any ensemble or solo during performances or during class time to keep the parts from flying in many directions.
Price List by . . .
Autumn Sounds Ensemble -- The accompaniment for this ensemble in on the CD and SMF Disk for Bulfrog Jamboree.
Dark Forest Ensemble
Jingle, Jingle, Jingle! Ensemble
Mission Bells Ensemble.
Mountain Stream Ensemble
NINE Beginner Ensembles USB Flash Drive 1
Papa Leopold's Minuet Ensemble
Snow! Snow! Look at the Snow! Ensemble
We Wish You A Merry Christmas Ensemble
Western Skies Ensemble -- The accompaniment for this ensemble in on the CD and SMF Disk for Bulfrog Jamboree.
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